- What is the title of the book (fiction) you are currently reading, or what is the title of the last fiction book you read?
"Well personally I'm not much of "book worm", so when it comes down to reading a fictional story it has to be something I feel like I'm really going to be able to grit my teeth into. However back to the point, technically the last fictional text I read was...Green Eggs & Ham by Dr.Seuss. I remember my little brother bringing it home from school one day and I got an overwhelming sense of nostalgia, as I remember it being one of my favorites from a very young age, I couldn't help myself so I sat down and read it to my little brother, probably enjoying it as much as he did."
- What is the title/topic of the book (non-fiction) you are currently reading, or what is the title/topic of the last non fiction book you read?
"The last non-fiction book I read was called The art of Game Design by Jesse Shell, Although it's part of our syllabus, I do believe some interesting points were made throughout chapter 8, This section mainly discussed the ideas of understanding who the audience is in which you are pitching/developing a game towards, and how it could fundamentally change overall outlook and future of your project scope, all in all it was very useful information and well hopefully aid me soon when I'm in the works of developing my very own game."
- What is the last live performance (music, drama or dance) you attended?
"The last live performance I attended was a music group known as 1975 during this years Reading festival, Overall it was a great show, a huge fan of the band, I must admit though, vocally the lead singer Matt sounds a hell of a lot better on YouTube then he does live, however I can't complain too much, the atmosphere was brilliant and overall the music was spot on."
- What is the title of the last film you saw at a cinema, online or watched on DVD?
"The last film I watched was animated film called My Neighbor Totoro, It's only an hour and 20 minutes long but it's coupled with a great story line, light drama and a lot of comedic aspects. All that alongside a brilliant art style got me gripped and I was kind of sad when I found out there wasn't a sequel or any sort of continuation into series."
- How often do you read the newspaper? (Which one? Online or physical?)
"These day I don't read the newspaper that often however, I used to read a newspaper called Metro almost daily on my commute to school on the tube, it's a free news paper distributed quite widely around London's Metro system, usually there would be one just be on lying on the seat next to me so whenever I had the opportunity I would pick one up and read as much as I could before I arrived at my stop."
- Which art galley, museum or exhibition did you last visit?
"The last exhibition I attended was EGX London or more commonly known as "The London Gaming expo". It was a pretty interesting experience, especially as was my first time at a Gaming expo or any expo for that matter, It was basically everything you would imagine a gaming expo to be like, large quantities of geeks and nerds playing games with one another, so I felt pretty much at home when attending. However the sheer amount of Naruto Cosplayers on the train back home left the day feeling sort of bitter sweet."
- How many hours a week do you spend playing video games?
"Let me sum up that question in four words: "Eat, Sleep Game, Repeat.""
- How many hours a week do you spend playing games other than video games?
"Honestly the only physical game I play is Rummy and Black Jack with playing cards, There simple games, rules aren't hard to understand, so it's a win win for everyone that's playing, as for how many hours a week not many, but when there's time for it, it's always good fun."